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NEXODUS is the visual effects studio for bold storytellers. We partner with productions of all sizes to enhance their narratives, highlight their brands, and bring their visions to life.

Feb. 06, 2024

Renowned VFX Supervisor Ryan Urban Joins the NEXODUS Collective

Ryan’s impressive body of work encompasses large scale feature film visual effects work as well as efficient problem-solving for commercial clients and independent filmmakers

Latest News

Jul. 26, 2024

Samsung has Created The Openness Medal Campaign in Collaboration with BBH London

To drive engagement with Gen Z audiences around Samsung's Paris 2024 theme, Samsung has created The Openness Medal campaign

Jul. 26, 2024

Heathrow Launches Summer Campaign by St Luke's, where Travel is About far More than Getting from A to B

Passengers are reminded that journeys which start from Heathrow are about a lot more than simply getting to the destination