Amunas, Water Sowing: The New Campaign by Cusquena Beer and Publicis Peru

Amunas, Water Sowing: The New Campaign by Cusquena Beer and Publicis Peru

Apr. 03, 2024

Publicis Peru unveils Amunas, the project by Cusquena, Backus, Aquafondo, and The Nature Conservancy that will allow the infiltration of millions of cubic meters of water in Peru.

Cusqueña, the beer that keeps alive the ancestral Peruvian culture, bringing the richness of our historical past to the present, alongside Backus, has been developing a unique environmental project as a solution to water stress and lack of access to water increasing in communities in Peru due to global warming.

Pre-Inca cultures sowed water over fourteen hundred years ago with Amunas, stone and clay canals that serve to capture and sow water, filtering it through porous rocks and storing it in natural springs until it is harvested in times of drought.

Alejandra Campero, Sustainability Director of Backus explained:

"With climate change, droughts have become more frequent, and their lands were drying up, affecting their quality of life and economy, as they were unable to till the land and care for their livestock, their main means of subsistence. Since 2018, we have been working on the recovery of Amunas, managing to restore to date 41 kilometers of the route of these stone canals."


Sebastian Palacio, Director of Cusquena explained:

"The campaign aims to reflect the great work of Backus and Cusqueña alongside its strategic partners, an action that undoubtedly will improve people's lives. Amunas, water sowing, conveys Cusqueña's commitment to ancestral culture, bringing it to the present and transforming it to continue to be relevant in the lives of Peruvians."


In 2023, more than 2.45 million cubic meters of water were infiltrated, equivalent to 980 Olympic swimming pools, bringing back agriculture and livestock farming and improving the quality of life of several communities. By 2025, Cusqueña and Backus plan to restore 67 kilometers of Amunas that will cross more communities, such as San Lorenzo de Huachupampa, San Juan de Iris, and Santiago de Carampoma.

Nelson Fragoso, General Manager of Publicis Peru commented:

"Accompanying Cusqueña on this high-impact project was an honor. Amunas, water sowing, conveys Cusqueña's commitment to ancestral culture, bringing it to the present and transforming it to continue to be relevant in the lives of Peruvians."


The campaign was carried out by Publicis Peru, the creative agency of Publicis Groupe, one of the world's leading marketing and advertising holdings; not only does it explain the functioning and great work of Backus with the Amunas, but it also includes testimonials from the communities, strategic partners, and the Cusqueña team.

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