Send your Ads

Thank you for sending your work

To submit your work for the front page simply email it to [email protected] or sign up and manage your account by yourself.

  • Image guidelines:

For images please send jpegs of size no more than 2000x2000px. Send the whole campaign in one email (if possible) and zip up the jpegs.

  • Movie guidelines:

Please send YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook videos posted by the brand or agency, or videos with Embed Code. If you send .mov it implies you agree Ads of Brands will upload it on your behalf to YouTube, Vimeo or Facebook.

  • Format of Credits:

Please provide the following information with all submissions in Title Case:

  • Advertised brand:
  • Advert title(s):
  • Advert type(TV, Outdoor, Ambient, Online, etc.)
  • Headline and copy text (in English):
  • Advertising Agency: Name, City, Country
  • Agency website: http://
  • Creative Director:
  • Art Director:
  • Copywriter:
  • Illustrator:
  • Photographer:
  • Additional credits:
  • Published: Month, Year


Please note

  • Not all submissions are posted.
  • Do not send the same work several times.
  • Publication is permanent, get all necessary approvals in advance.
  • If you have questions, please use the contact form. We'll be happy to answer any doubts.

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