
OpenWeb is on a mission to inspire and elevate quality conversations online. We build technologies to create thriving engaged communities, reduce toxicity, and increase safety

At OpenWeb we’re on a mission to save online conversations.To inspire and elevate an open exchange of ideas across the web, to eradicate hostility and toxicity, to create an online environment that allows all voices to be heard and welcomes all points of view into the conversation.

Latest News

Apr. 23, 2024

Colossus Launches New Brand Identity for the Boston Symphony Orchestra

The new design is currently running across all touchpoints the website, digital display, out-of- home, social, video, merchandise, print, owned and paid channels

Apr. 23, 2024

"The Missing Review": A New Campaign by Republica Havas, in Collaboration with Amigos for Kids

The interactive campaign uses Google and Yelp reviews to help locate missing children and raise awareness