Next Gen Tech: Top 5 Game Technologies You Should Know

Next Gen Tech: Top 5 Game Technologies You Should Know

Mar. 10, 2021

The video game industry in Canada is bigger than ever before. What has long been a niche activity almost two decades ago is now a full-fledged phenomenon, especially among children. In times past, gamers had to make a commitment to purchase a specific gaming console, limiting the reach of gaming to the wider population.

The rise of Canadian mobile gaming has erased these boundaries and today almost all demographics play games, whether it is on a gaming console, a computer, a smartphone, or a tablet.

Guest author Lucas Goldberg discusses the top 5 game technologies that you should be aware of. To find out more about Lucas Goldberg, click here.

As the gaming industry grows steadily, there are so many more companies that are seeking new ways to innovate and carve out their slice of the pie. The competition has been ruthless, which is not a surprise given that the video game industry now rakes in more cash per year than North American sports and Hollywood movies combined.

Whether you are a gamer or are part of the rapidly shrinking population of non-gamers, the gaming industry is here to stay. The latest technological innovations trotted out by gaming companies will likely have an influence in your life, whether you want it to or not.

The Canadian market is one of the hottest markets when it comes to gaming technology as Canadian players are always willing to experiment and embrace new and innovative games. This is why a lot of the top video games, casino games and skill game developers like to introduce their new games to the Canadian market first.

Canadian players who are on the lookout for the latest casino games with innovative gaming technology have quite a few options. The best way to find these innovative games is to find top online casinos that offer you such games. One place to find unique games is at Jackpot City Casino.

Because it’s hard to continually keep abreast of the breakneck developments in the industry, here is our quick primer on the top 5 next-gen technologies 2021 (and beyond) is set to bring.

  • High Definition Displays

One of the most accessible examples of next-gen technologies is high definition display televisions. In previous decades, it was hard to even imagine how pictures could get any clearer than DVD, but it took just a few years for Blu-Ray to come along and decimate DVD picture quality.

Today, the gold standard for displays is 4K resolution, which means that it can support 4,000-pixel pictures. Game developers have made full use of the extra real estate to polish their creations to even greater heights.

The problem is that many gamers still find 4K screens to be unaffordable. As it stands right now, 4K screens are too expensive to be mainstream. But as the market becomes more saturated, the technology will likely drop in price as it did during the plasma screen era.

  • Voice Recognition

All gamers know that the most annoying part of games is the loading up screen.

More and more games are reducing the friction of the start-up process of games by utilizing voice recognition. Players can walk into their living room, command their game console to start, go up to change, and come down with their game ready and waiting.

The technology still has a lot of kinks to work out, particularly in distinguishing the owner’s voice from other voices. But expect creative game developers to use this technology to create a more tailored experience for gamers very soon.

  • Face Recognition

Face recognition using 3D scanning has been in existence for quite some time now. However, the possibilities of this technology in gaming have so far remained untapped.

While porting your real-life face into your game has its appeal for newer users, the novelty quickly loses its lustre. Many gamers are craving more engaging uses of this technology. Developers are eager to meet this challenge, but it remains to be seen how they plan on doing so.

  • Virtual Reality

The immersion and engagement possible in modern gaming are taken up a notch by virtual reality (VR) technology, an idea borne in science fiction stories circa-1980s. While rudimentary versions of VR have existed since the mid-1990s, it only recently escaped its novelty status due to technology finally catching up to its gaming potential.

VR works by using a wearable screen, making players feel as though they are actually within the game. For instance, looking to the left of your character in-game no longer needs button inputs; you simply have to look to your left.

VR is a hot property, and its games continue to evolve in sophistication and complexity. The current crop of VR games is already wowing industry veterans. We expect VR games to be more popular soon, due to the number of VR start-ups looking to make a splash.

  • Augmented Reality

One step above from VR is augnted reality (AR). If VR games bring you into their world, AR games bring the game to our world. This technology was also presaged by science fiction. For recent examples of how AR would work, check out the movies Her and Blade Runner 2049.

  • Conclusion

If you are looking for hi-tech online games in Canada, then you need to search for VR and AR games as these are the most advanced gaming technologies that are currently impacting the gaming industry.

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