Online Slot Myths Explained

Online Slot Myths Explained

Apr. 15, 2020

As with anything, there are always rumours milling about which have been said for one reason or another, and usually it is just to put people off the gaming experience in the first place when it comes to online casinos with free bonus spins.

When it comes to choosing to play an online slot game, there is a small number of things which players must take into account when gamers are taking into consideration before they get going to play the game in the first place.

Some factors to consider when you choose to play a game includes deciding how much you should put in? How much will you win? And to choose which game exactly you want to play in the first place, is no easy feat.

But, this is not to say that amongst all other questions, there are none at all that are worth explaining and asking. Some questions are worth asking. Even if some of these answers don’t give you the explanation that you want to hear. And then, it is worth bearing in mind that sometimes you won’t even get a suitable answer what so ever.

This brings up to the subject matter of online slot myths. Online slot myths explained would be hard to do exactly, but we can figure out why they’re in place.

One theory is that these online slot myths are in place to try and keep gamers and those who like to play games off and away from the online slot games so they decide to go and enter the in-house casinos instead of playing online.

And then there are the myths you hear about online slot gaming. These myths are in place for a number of reasons, and we can only guess that a big reason for the myths being put in place is to try and lure gamers and players alike off from the online slot games and back onto the in-house casinos.

  • Myths to debunk explained

Firstly, one of the biggest myths which is most commonly believed is the one which is also commonly spread, and that is that all, if not most, slot machine wins are due around the time that online slot wins haven’t been done in a while, or when nobody in a while has hit the jackpot of the online slot games.

While a lot of us might think it makes sense, it just is not the case, and it logically can’t be the case either really, as slot wins and the amount these are won does not make up the regularity in which games are paying out.

It really is just a case of the luck of the drawer, and whoever got lucky has got lucky, so it’s just as straightforward as that really.

Online slot machines haven’t been programmed to pay out to any particular schedule, they can just pay out and have winners of the jackpot as and when a player has got lucky, although patterns might spring up.

Another myth most commonly believed which should be explained is that you get a better chance of winning when you’re playing a slot game when you pull the lever instead of pressing a button when you go to have a spin.

This is also just not true, as slot machines really work with a random number generator and this just would not be aware that the player has pressed a button or not when you game, and so for whatever reason it wouldn’t influence whether or not it wants them to win either.

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