The Most Successful Advertisement Campaigns Provided by Students

The Most Successful Advertisement Campaigns Provided by Students

Mar. 11, 2023

Today’s students are more informed and encouraged to take action. Their voice is loud and heard more than ever. Instead of waiting for their formal education to end to gain experience, today’s students are courageous enough to dip their foot in the career world early. As a result, we’ve seen some amazing projects and advertisement campaigns created by students, tackling important issues or helping brands boost their image on the market.

  • Need Time to Create an Advertisement Campaign?

If you are a creative person and would like to work on your own campaign, this is more than possible today thanks to the secret spell for good grades. Time is no longer an issue. While the life of a student is incredibly busy, you can cut down the time spent on research paper writing by reading some free examples from experts. When you lack the time or motivation, simply choose out of free essay examples to get inspired, get more information, and write better papers. 

Educators these days are grading college papers very rigorously. By using examples to get inspired and motivated, you can improve teacher comments for students’ writing and save up hours in your schedule to dedicate to a new campaign.

Speaking of examples, this article will discuss some of the most successful advertisement campaigns students have worked on. Hopefully, your creation will reach the success found in these examples – and possibly even more.

  • Top Advertisement Campaigns by Students

An advertisement campaign can bring many leads to a brand and form a stronger image. If done right, this could give a brand or organization a competitive edge and change the perception of its targeted audience. Here we picked out the top campaigns created by students.

1.Saving Bursaries

Saving Bursaries is a successful student campaign from peers at Bristol University that spoke out against the plans to cut the bursaries. The goal to fight for funding that allows students to cover their education costs is shared by many and as a result, this campaign spread nationwide. It eventually caused the increase of bursaries, making it a highly successful campaign.


UK student unions joined forces to create a campaign that aims to legalize abortion in Ireland. The idea behind this campaign is to offer financial support to students that need to travel home to use their right to vote.

3.100 Percent Renewable Campuses

Originating in the US, this campaign is one of the more successful going green student initiatives. It had great results and encouraged prestigious academic institutions such as Boston and Cornell University to use renewable sources to buy energy.

4.Period Poverty

Students are wearier of today’s problems than ever, and some of them have gotten tired of waiting around for the government to abolish the tax for sanitary products. This tax made tampons and other products barely affordable – or unaffordable for many females. Because of it, Rosy Candlin, an undergraduate student founded an organization called Every Month. Every month, the organization donates 250 menstrual packs to food banks.

5.Be a Filmhead

Created by Christie o’Loughlin, a student, this campaign is based on fictional filmmakers lab and sponsored by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science. The Lab and its promotional campaign are created to improve the Academy’s image, making it more inclusive, relevant, and contemporary.

6.Day 32

Grace Diebel, a student, created a successful campaign for Comcast. The idea behind it is to give clients their time back by partnering with Task Rabbit, an errand and chore brand.


The Meld campaign for Classic FM was created by a student named Georgia Mae Lewis. This campaign serves to bring classical music into the young people’s lives. It’s based on a three-day festival of concerts called Meld in the UK, one that merges classical, orchestral music with UK grime.


There’s this big taboo about pornography that runs in society, especially in educational circles. Indigo Ropner was led by the belief that pornography has benefits for society and can teach people a lot. This is why he created a campaign featuring abstract illustrations i.e. Kama Sutra designs.

9.Snake Week

Snakes are often seen as dangerous creatures. While they can be it, students, especially the youngest ones, hardly learn anything else about them. The Snake Week campaign by Jason Lui aims to change the perception and increase knowledge of snakes to students in Australia.

10.Comic Sans

The Comic Sans letterform is a trending typeface across the world, even more popular for those who live with dyslexia. Knowing this, Jen Ng created a campaign for a workshop that embraces the use of this font, trying to encourage people to use different Comic Sans characters to make their compositions and patterns – and turn them into an art that sells. The proceeds of the Comic Sans campaign go to the International Dyslexia Association and are used to help fund treatment and research.


Last but not least is the campaign by Julia Frankch. Her campaign’s goal is to reconnect with a young audience by using Kodak’s roots of analogue photography. The campaign was for an event that encourages young people to separate from technology and try the art of handcrafting once again.

  • Wrapping Up

While these campaigns haven’t yield millions or been used by the biggest brands in the world, their success is very much measurable. It goes to show how talented students are at an early age, and how promising their career path looks even at this point.

What about you? Do you have an idea for an advertisement campaign? If you do, there’s no harm in trying to make it happen. Who knows, it might just become one of the most successful campaigns, too.

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