Cut+Run Welcomes Editor Rasmus Nyholm Schmidt for U.S. Representation

Cut+Run Welcomes Editor Rasmus Nyholm Schmidt for U.S. Representation

Apr. 15, 2024

Cut+Run is excited to announce that it has signed Editor Rasmus Nyholm Schmidt for exclusive U.S Representation. Rasmus is known for applying his editing talent to emotionally-driven, visually striking, cinematic projects that inspire curiosity and tell deeply resonant human stories. Among them, collaborations for Nike, Telenor, Interflora, Lego, Danish Lottery and T-Mobile. This is Rasmus' inaugural U.S. representation.

Amburr Farls, Cut+Run’s Managing Partner on the West Coast recalled:

"It was truly a craft connection. What I find incredible about his work is his wildly unique ability to tap deep into the human emotion and harness the energy of it; whether it’s poignant, comedic or visual, he captures the story at its roots. Learning about his process was fascinating, but more so, understanding who he is as a person and the values he prioritizes – I just knew we had to work together and I’m so thrilled he is a part of our amazing roster." 


Rasmus has always gravitated toward the deepened emotions of everyday life.

He reflected:

“When people lose themselves to the moment, let their guard down, they are the most fascinating. It's these small moments of genuine connection that guide me through whatever story I'm telling. They are always more true than my predetermined idea.” 


Rasmus grew up with artistic parents who never managed to make a living from their art. This motivated an early ambition to make art a career. Starting out as a writer/director, he craved an understanding of the craftsmanship behind storytelling. He immediately fell in love with the possibilities of editing and found advertising to be an exciting mix of playfulness and serious creative challenges. He quickly earned a creative following through his brand collaborations, using music and sound design as important companions to the narrative cadence of the edit. 

Rasmus said:

"For some time I have been thinking about adventuring into the U.S., but it was only in connecting with Amburr that I knew this was the right moment and partner. We share a genuine connection in values, and I am humbled and excited to be in the company of the stellar storytellers on the Cut+Run roster of editors."

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